有沒有想過,在這要來的農曆新年,與家人或親朋慼友團聚慶佳節的時候,品嘗的是獲獎大廚爲您預備的佳肴珍饈?是,只要您來到 Hard Rock Hotel 的 Starz Diner,這個春節,您就可以與家人或親戚朋友,團聚之餘,同時也可以品嘗到一系列得獎大廚為您精心預備的佳肴珍饈!真有夠派頭的!是的,為迎合要來的農曆新年,Starz Diner 的大廚們,包括了剛榮獲大獎的 Yoong Toy Heng @ Chef Heng 細心的為大家策劃了自助餐的各類餐點;有傳統的中式料理,也有國際料理。Chef Heng 於2017年代表馬來西亞前往中國深圳參與 Chinese Cuisine World Championship 2017,並榮獲了 Award Winning Chinese Cuisine Chef (Gold Medal) 金獎!有 Chef Heng 大廚親自助陣,Starz Diner 所推出的自助餐,絕對是如虎添翼的!Starz Diner 迎合春節的到來,共推出了兩項自助餐:
➡ Rockin' Reunion Buffet Dinner
2018年2月15日 ︱6.30pm~10.30pm
➡ Rock Of Prosperity Buffet Dinner
2018年2月16日 ︱6.30pm~10.30pm
一系列冷盤及熱盤,開胃的濃湯,各種主菜,魚生,點心,等等等的佳肴等您來品嘗!這裡的魚生,採用新鮮的食材,包括新鮮的生魚片、吞拿魚片、海蜇、柚子、烤花生、芋頭片等等食材。熱冷盤包括有 Marinated Aburi Maguro Salad, Ebi Tempura with Mango Salad, Duck Roll with Mixed Fruits, Silky Cheese Roll, Crispy Prawn Roll, Breaded Crab Claw,等等等。
當然,自助餐内還包括了大廚 Chef Heng 強力推薦的加入了鮑魚與新鮮蝦只炮製的南瓜炒飯 Pumpkin Fried Rice,加入各類海鮮烹煮的中式炒河粉 Cantonese Hor Fan,牛肉片佛缽飄香,炸大蝦,娘惹式的酸辣魚,花蟹,等等等珍饈。
非常值得一致的是,此次的春節自助餐,他們也加入了從滿娘惹風味的熱食及冷盤,包括有 Salted Nasi Ulam, Salted Fish Acar Awak, Chicken Loh Bak, Inche Kaben Chicken Boxing 及 Poh Piah Pie Tee。
除此之外,自助餐的甜點,也一樣讓人食指大動,有 Nyonya Pulut Hitam with Glutinous Ball,Chinese Traditional Leng Chee Keng with Loh Han Koh,Glutinous Rice Cake,及 Pandan Layer Cake。
新春美食試吃︱Starz Diner ︱ HARD ROCK HOTEL
雁子夫婦有幸受邀出席 Starz Diner 的新春美食試吃,並品嘗了一系列將在 Rockin' Reunion Buffet Dinner 及 Rock Of Prosperity Buffet Dinner 推出的系列佳肴珍饈。夫妻倆非常滿意此系列的菜色,品嘗后滿足感爆表哦!帶大家去看看吧!
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # 撈生 |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel #魚生 |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # 魚生 |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Nyonya Pineapple Curry King Prawn |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Nyonya Pineapple Curry King Prawn |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Wok Fried Flower Crab with Nonya Kapitan Sauce |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Wok Fried Flower Crab with Nonya Kapitan Sauce |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Homemade Poon Choi With Garden Green |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Homemade Poon Choi With Garden Green |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Homemade Poon Choi With Garden Green |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Steamed Whole Chicken In Lotus Leaf |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Steamed Whole Chicken In Lotus Leaf |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Pumpkin Fried Rice with Abalone & Shrimp |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Pumpkin Fried Rice with Abalone & Shrimp |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Braised Chinese Herb Soup with Seafood Treasure |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Braised Chinese Herb Soup with Seafood Treasure |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Braised Chinese Herb Soup with Seafood Treasure |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Poh Piah Pie Tee |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Poh Piah Pie Tee |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel #Tamago Sushi |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Ebi Tempura Maki |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Gyu Maki |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Pomelo with Seafood Salad |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Ebi Sushi |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Tamago Sushi |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Salmon Sushi |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Salmon Tanuki Maki |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Chinese Traditional Leng Chee Kang with Lah Han Koh |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel #Glutinous Rice Cake |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Nyonya Pulut Hitam With Glutinous Ball |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel #Pandan Layer Cake |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel # Chinese Cookies |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel #大廚 (右為 Chef Heng) |
Starz Diner |Hard Rock Hotel |
Starz Diner ︱Hard Rock Hotel
04-886 8057
Jalan Batu Ferringhi,
11100 George Town, Pulau Pinang.